WTO Essay Award 2024 | Fully Funded trip to Greece

The World Trade Organization has unveiled the WTO Essay Award 2024, a prestigious recognition for young writers worldwide showcasing exceptional writing prowess. This coveted award provides a golden opportunity for budding talents to submit their essay papers and vie for the esteemed title. Open to applicants globally, this international essay competition aims to foster high-quality research on trade-related issues, nurturing stronger ties between the WTO and the educational community. Moreover, the winner of this fully funded award will receive a luxurious trip to Greece along with a substantial cash prize of CHF 50,000, gaining international acclaim and collaborating with experts on global platforms.

The international award in Greece serves as a catalyst for promoting cutting-edge research on trade policy and international cooperation, offering a platform for writers immersed in trade policy studies to showcase their expertise. Whether you’re passionate about trade-related matters or seeking to broaden your knowledge in this domain, this essay competition provides a unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of global trade negotiations. Regardless of your academic background, participating in this award competition allows you to demonstrate and fortify your knowledge and skills, positioning you as a thought leader in the field.

For aspiring writers yearning to leave their mark on the international trade landscape, the fully funded WTO Essay Award is an unparalleled opportunity to gain recognition for their ideas and contribute to shaping global trade policies. Embracing writing as an art form, this international competition not only celebrates talent but also serves as a platform to motivate and inspire writers worldwide. The winner of the WTO Essay Award 2024 will bask in global appreciation, receiving a substantial cash prize and an unforgettable trip to Greece. Seize this chance to enhance your writing skills, gain exposure on a global scale, and make a meaningful impact with your ideas by joining the WTO essay competition today.

WTO Essay Award 2024 Details:

  • Scholarship Host Country: United Kingdom
  • Host University:  Athens University in Greece
  • Host Organization: World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • Program Duration: 12-14 September 2024

Benefits of the WTO Essay Award 2024:

  • Monetary Reward: In addition to the prestige and recognition, the author of the winning essay will receive a substantial monetary reward of CHF 5,000. This financial incentive not only acknowledges the author’s outstanding contribution but also provides tangible support for their continued academic and professional pursuits.
  • Opportunity for Exposure: The winning paper will be announced at the annual meeting of the European Trade Study Group, further amplifying the exposure and impact of the author’s work. This prestigious platform offers unparalleled visibility within the academic and policy-making communities, showcasing the author’s expertise to a wide audience of scholars, practitioners, and policymakers.
  • Financial Support for Participation: The author who clinches the top prize will also receive financial support to attend the aforementioned meeting in Greece. This support ensures that the winning author can actively engage with peers, present their research findings, and participate in discussions on cutting-edge trade issues, further enriching their academic and professional experience.

Eligibility Criteria of the WTO Essay Award 2024:

  1. Age Limit: Participants must be within the specified age range, typically targeting young writers. Those under 30 should be engaged in completing a Ph.D. degree, while those over 30 should not have spent more than two years completing their degree.
  2. Writing Skills: Essays must demonstrate excellent writing skills, presenting original insights on trade-related topics, specifically addressing trade policy and international trade cooperation.
  3. Word Limit: Submissions should not exceed 15,000 words, ensuring concise and focused analysis within the specified length.
  4. Originality: Essays must be original work, not previously published or submitted elsewhere.
  5. Language Proficiency: Submissions must be in the designated language(s) specified by the competition.
  6. Adherence to Guidelines: Applicants must follow all provided guidelines, including formatting and submission requirements.

Application Deadline:

The application deadline to apply for the WTO Essay Competition 2024 is 3 June 2024.

How to Apply for the WTO Essay Award 2024?

  • Review eligibility criteria.
  • Choose a relevant topic.
  • Write a well-researched essay within the word limit.
  • Submit to essay.award@wto.org in PDF format.
  • Include all required information and supporting documents.
  • Adhere to submission guidelines.
  • Submit before the deadline.
  • Await notification from the WTO.
  1. Age Limit: Participants must be within the specified age range, typically targeting young writers. Those under 30 should be engaged in completing a Ph.D. degree, while those over 30 should not have spent more than two years completing their degree.
  2. Writing Skills: Essays must demonstrate excellent writing skills, presenting original insights on trade-related topics, specifically addressing trade policy and international trade cooperation.
  3. Word Limit: Submissions should not exceed 15,000 words, ensuring concise and focused analysis within the specified length.
  4. Originality: Essays must be original work, not previously published or submitted elsewhere.
  5. Language Proficiency: Submissions must be in the designated language(s) specified by the competition.
  6. Adherence to Guidelines: Applicants must follow all provided guidelines, including formatting and submission requirements.

Application Deadline:

The application deadline to apply for the WTO Essay Competition 2024 is 3 June 2024.

How to Apply for the WTO Essay Award 2024?

  • Review eligibility criteria.
  • Choose a relevant topic.
  • Write a well-researched essay within the word limit.
  • Submit to essay.award@wto.org in PDF format.
  • Include all required information and supporting documents.
  • Adhere to submission guidelines.
  • Submit before the deadline.
  • Await notification from the WTO.


Osin David

Osin David

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