How to Study for Free in Norway: A Comprehensive Guide for International Students Introduction:

Norway, despite being a small country, offers exceptional educational opportunities to international students. The best part? Many of its public universities don’t charge tuition fees for international students. In this post, we’ll guide you on how to study for free in Norway while addressing the essential aspects of living and learning in this beautiful Nordic nation.


Studying in Norway:

Studying in Norway is an intellectually stimulating journey, where students are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills. The student-teacher relationship in Norway ensures that each student receives equal attention, fostering a conducive learning environment.


Tuition-Free Education in Norway:

Norwegian public universities offer tuition-free education, making it an attractive destination for international students. However, studying for free doesn’t mean it’s entirely cost-free. Here’s how to make it feasible:

1. Look for Norway’s Free Universities: We’ll introduce you to some top universities that offer tuition-free education.

2. Create an Outstanding Application: Tips to make your application stand out from the rest.

3. Submit Your Application Early: Learn the importance of timely submissions.

4. Apply for University Scholarships: Explore opportunities for financial aid.

5. Investigate Private Scholarships: Find additional sources of financial support.

6. Government Scholarships: Learn how to apply for scholarships backed by the Norwegian government.

7. Part-Time Jobs: Discover ways to work while studying.

8. Cost-Cutting Tips: Strategies to reduce everyday expenses while living in Norway.


Tuition-Free Universities in Norway:

Here’s a list of Norwegian universities that offer free education for international students:


1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology

2. University of Oslo

3. University of Nordland

4. Oslo Metropolitan University

5. University of Bergen

6. Bergen University College

7. The Arctic University of Tromsø, Norway

8. University of Stavanger

9. BI Norwegian Business School


Cost of Living in Norway:

Get insights into the cost of living in Norway to help you plan your finances during your studies. The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration recommends an approximate yearly budget.


Bachelor Degree in Norway:

Learn about the availability of free public institutions in Norway for pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Discover universities like NTNU, University of Bergen, and Nord University, where undergraduate students can study for free. Also, explore financial support options through the Norwegian State Education Loan Fund.


Master Degree in Norway:

Find out about the opportunities to pursue a master’s degree in Norway, with prestigious universities offering free Master’s courses. Understand the nominal semester fee and scholarship options for master’s students.


Admission Process:

For international students looking to study in Norway, we explain the admission process through the  Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (NUCAS).   Learn how to apply for various degree programs and discover the application processes for private institutions.



Studying in Norway is an incredible opportunity, especially when you can do it for free or with minimal costs. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to make your dream of studying in Norway a reality. Explore the unique educational experiences and rich cultural offerings of this beautiful Scandinavian country while enjoying a cost-effective education. Norway awaits you!

Osin David

Osin David

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