Exploring Opportunities for Master’s Degrees with 2.2 Grades in Canada


In the competitive landscape of Canadian higher education, opportunities for those with second-class lower grades can sometimes appear scarce. However, there is hope on the horizon for those seeking to advance their education and broaden their horizons. We’ve compiled a list of 12 Canadian universities that are embracing individuals with 2.2 grades, opening doors to new academic journeys.

**1. Memorial University, Newfoundland**
Website: https://mun.ca

**2. Crandall University,New Brunswick


**3. St. Paul University, Ottawa**


**4. University of Canada West, Vancouver**

**5. Carleton University, Canada**

**6. Royal Roads University, Colwood**

**7. St. Mary’s University, Halifax**

**8. Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops**
Website: https://tru.ca

**9. University of Regina, Regina**
Website: https://uregina.ca

**10. University of Prince Edward Island**
Website: https://upei.ca

**11. Lakehead University, Canada**
Website: [lakeheadu.ca]

**12. Brandon University, Brandon**
Website: [brandonu.ca](https://brandonu.ca)

These institutions recognize the potential in every student, regardless of their past academic performance. So if you have a 2.2 grade and a strong determination to succeed, this is your chance to embark on a transformative academic journey. Explore the possibilities, seize the opportunities, and shape your future at one of these forward-thinking Canadian universities. Your pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds. 🌟 #EducationOpportunities #HigherLearning #CanadaMastersDegree

Osin David

Osin David

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